Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Snoodle Doodle Jr.'s Calorie Burner Tips

Most of us have a some sort of desire (some much smaller than others) to work out or stay fit. However, there are several reasons that overcome this desire and cause us not to exercise.  

1. We are too busy.
2. We are too tired.
3. We are too lazy.
4. We are indifferent.
5. We have some type of disability that hinders our ability.

Reasons 1 and 2 go hand in hand with one another. You go to work all day and come home to deal with the family or the kids and have no time or energy to take a jog around the block. If you are a student you find yourself torn between hitting the gym or studying for that final coming up (i.e. going to the party that night) You would obviously go "study".

Reason number 3, well....you are simply lazy. Trust me, I understand.

Reason 4 is for the people who do not care about losing weight, working out, or getting that nice physique. Some of these indifferent people are those lucky sons of guns who do not have to do diddley squat to stay thin. Others just don't let the media or the perspective of peers influence them. Reason 4 would be the life.

Reason 5 is a pain in the butt and slightly depressing when you think about it. There are people who would work out if they could but just don't have the ability. Mama Doodle for instance has a bad case of scoliosis  and can't even go shopping without having to stop for a break because her back hurts her so much.

So, with all those reasons being said, here are some easy exercises and tips to burn calories, get stronger, and/or entertain yourself in the laziest way possible.

1. Chew sugar free gum. Get that jaw a movin' and also get a yummy flavor. When I am working at a desk this keeps me from snacking on bad foods and is beneficial to my social life. Now I know when people avoid me, it can't be my bad breath!

2. Take the stairs. I know we have all heard it before, but it really does help. Take a peek and if nobody is around then try to jog up there to get the heart rate going. If people are nearby just quicken the pace and slap a really determined or worried look on to make it look like you are in a rush to go somewhere really important (not to the second floor to spy on the hot co-worker again).

3. Stretch. It's easy and it feels good. If you sit at a desk, lift your legs up straight to stretch those hamies. Do a fake yawn with a nice stretch of the arms.

4. Drink a lot of water. Not only is it important and good for you, but you get up and walk to the bathroom often. Every bit of moving helps!

5. Offer help. If you are eating lunch with some friends and someone says, "Drat, I forgot napkins." You can pitch in, "I'll get them!" and go sprint of to bring the napkins back. Not only are you helping a friend out but you are burning a few calories too.

6. Do simple workouts while watching TV. Hmm watching TV or go work out? Do both! During a commercial break do some crunches or easy ab workouts. Also* Do NOT eat while watching television.

7.  Butt squeezes. When you're working around the house or walking in the office, do some butt squeezes (have you seen scary movie?) This will help tone that booty.

8. Ride a bike. If you have back problems and it is hard for you to run or walk then try to ride a bike every once in a while. It will feel great to get some fresh air and get the blood flowing. 

Well that's all I got for now.Hopefully you find at least one of these tips helpful.

There's hope for everyone, even the lazy people like me....or that's what I tell myself.

Until next time,

Snoodle Doodle Jr.

1 comment:

  1. I add: fidgeting. If you're stuck in a situation in which you have to sit, keep moving. Scratch (discreetly), stretch, lean over and pretend to tie your shoes. But keep moving!
